Saturday, November 24, 2007

More News on the Mayor...

According to sources, Mayor Villaragaiosa and former Telemundo anchor Mirthala Salinas have broken up This is apparently the end to the months long affair, which broke up the mayor's marriage and became national news when the story broke.

In an attempt to shore up the Mayor's public image, "sources" leaked this bit of news to the LA Times. As stated in the article, the mayor is now apparently focusing on his relationship with his kids and working hard to battle problems such as health care, education, and traffic which he had promised to work on during his campaign.

To me, this story means very little. He took a risk and left his wife for this woman, took a giant P.R. hit and now finds himself alone and vulnerable. Due to his constant adultery, the Mayor has pretty much lost his chance to run for governor and now has to actually work hard on the poltical end if he ever hopes to be considered for that office.

A funny aspect of this story is that Salinas is apparently out of a job. When news first broke that the Mayor was being divorced, it was Salinas herself who reported it on Telemundo, with her being the political anchor for the channel. This of course was highly comical as it turned out she was a prime reason for the divorce, and a gigantic conflict of interest. After the network found out, she was placed on a leave of absence. Recently, she was reassigned to a smaller station out in Riverside County, but apparently she felt it either beneath her or too embarrassed, and she refused to show up for work.

Hopefully, the Mayor is serious about his intent to focus on his family life and the city now. For his tenure so far, the Mayor has done very little in terms of his campaign promises and has embarrassed himself and this city with his very public extramarital affair. Perhaps this was the wakeup call he needed to get serious about politics and realize what a high-profile job he has and all the extra responsibilies that the job entails.


Xandre said...

I completely agree with you on this one about the mayor. One of my most recent posts also expands on this idea of doubt and lack of credibility that is often associated with Villaraigosa. It's interesting, though...I haven't heard much of an uproar over San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom and his lengthy trail of adultery. Maybe it's just me, but for some reason I think that Northern and Southern California treat this sort of subject rather differently. I don't know, maybe it's the forward, and very liberal thinking up there.

thatsamoret said...

In response to your question about guitar hero--- rock star and guitar hero are grossing insane amounts of money for the video game industry. The idea of a game that plays classic rock riffs seems cool enough, but I honestly don't get the appeal. The game taps into the fantasy that everyone wants to be a rock star, and if you're a musician like me, that's totally true. However when I think about the countless hours that gamers spend glued to a television and blindly controlling-- whatever-- I feel that that time can be better spent jamming with a real guitar, playing with friends, or recording. I guess I am somewhat cynical about the whole issue, as I feel it's a wasted effort to pretend to be a guitar player--- you definetely got me thinking, so watch out for a blog on this issue!

rock on