Saturday, December 8, 2007

Gossip Website Leads to LMU Threat

With all the recent shootings in recent years/months/weeks/days, you would hope that people would be more mature about what they post on message boards. Apparently, not everyone has gotten the message, as 21-year-old LMU student Carlos Huerta was arrested for posting an anonymous message on a website threatening to shoot up the campus the next morning.

Huerta made the comment on the anonymous campus gossip site,

Police apparently thought the threat was legitimate enough to take action, and I certainly do not blame them. Though it still is too early to know if the post was in jest or not, it certainly was not funny if it was and things like that have to be taken seriously in today's world.

Anonymous gossip blogs seem to be springing up everywhere these days, and provide a scary outlet for people with vandettas or people who have no sense of humor to do things like Mr. Huerta did yesterday.

With the shootings in Omaha last week and the Virginia Tech massace last April, this is an extremely sensitive topic and not one that people are going to be quick to forgive. It will be interesting to see how LMU responds, especially since they are a private school and have the more freedom in terms of punishment whether it be suspension or expulsion.


McCarthy said...

Wow. I had no idea about this, although I have noticed the large amount of gossip based blogs that have been springing up everywhere. Why can't people just mind their own business. It seems so unnecessary to me to be publishing vicious stories (whether or not they are true) about people all over the web. It is these kinds of things that lead to hostility and violence in the first place. We need to become a more accepting and tolerant nation, and these blogs are taking us in the wrong direction.

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